Despite how good or bad the strategy is it will fall after a certain percentage of performance, this draw down should be pre – calculated and accordingly a trader should come up with alternatives.
It is for these reasons it is said that a binary option trader should be ready to invest at least 1-2 hours in a day for his trading life.
Some traders will choose the success rate as 60%;
In this case most of the trades executed will be “out of the money”.
In order to avoid this, trader should come up with realistic success rates.
This way there will be less situations of “out of the money” and as a trader you will feel satisfied with the trading activities.
Not just in assets but also in strategies diversification is done.
This will help in getting better results on your trading activities if the market works as per your customized strategy predictions.
It’s true that traders will use more than a single strategy and at the same time.
Traders will also club two or more strategies for earning huge profits from limited investment.
This way there will be less concentration on one strategy and it is essential to know there is a time limit for every strategy.
When strategies starts going slow, it’s time to think of alternatives or you should start to reconstruct the same to fit the needs of the changed market.
Also just keep in mind there are chances of losing more money if you plan to modify the old one instead of creating a brand new one, however there is no hard block.
If the trader prefers to modify the old best strategy, he can still do it but with a cost associated to it.
At these situations first hedge your trades that are outstanding and keep the risk in neutral status.
Or build a new strategy that woks similar to your old one and then delete the obsolete one with no risk!