So, the question is how do you maximize your profitability without blowing up your account? And the answer lies in the 2% money management rule.
Investing a random amount in trading is quite similar to gambling. Allocating an amount thoroughly after analyzing a market is a form of investment. It is widely accepted that once should never invest more than 2% of his available capital on a single trade.
Let’s say you have $5,000 to invest and you’re considering a particular trade with a hit rate of 60%. If you invest the whole $10,000 you have a 60% chance of doubling your money but at the same time, you also have a 40% chance of losing.
On the other hand, let’s say you split your $10,000 into two and invest $5,000 each. Your probability of losing from two investments is only 16 % or 40% which means your chances of losing everything are much less.
Furthermore, if you split the capital into ten, $1,000 each your odds of losing everything would drop to just 0.01%.